Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm a Hooker

My New Year's Resolution for 2007 was to teach myself how to knit. My goal was to knit a sweater by the end of the year. I learned in about 2 months. I still have not knitted a sweater, but I discovered so many other things to knit that were much more challenging and fun that it didn't matter. How was I to know when I picked up the Stitch 'N Bitch books that I could knit a cupcake, knit & felt a bowl or make a tiara out of crepe paper?

When the same author from the Stitch 'N Bitch series did a crochet book (The Happy Hooker), I got it, and thought I would eventually learn to crochet... But I was enjoying knitting too much and nothing motivated me to learn to crochet, that is, until I was shown a couple of ADORABLE crochet books. I visited Jen right after the Holiday's and she showed me this book called Creepy Cute Crochet. I was instantly smitten! I could not get the little creature's out my head, I ordered the book from Amazon. It arrived Wednesday and I declared I would learn to crochet the following weekend! Not only did I teach myself to crochet, I made a project from the Creepy Cute Crochet book, one of the last projects in the book, an adorable little monkey in a Fez. He was one of the biggest challenges I have ever attempted. I started working on him Sunday afternoon and attached his Fez Monday afternoon. I kept saying that maybe the reason why he was one of the last projects in the book was because he was the hardest. That night I was flipping through the book to pick my next creature to make when I noticed there was a "Difficulty Level" for each little creature. My little monkey's difficulty level was EPIC. I can't tell you how relieved I was to see that. I was now very proud of myself that I got through one of the most difficult projects to LEARN to crochet ending up with the most adorable little monkey to show for my effort! The very next day I made my next creature, Nosferatu...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are my project for my upcoming craft weekend. I am getting the book (ALMOST bought it this weekend at Vroman's in Pasadena with Tom, but didn't want to wait in the ENORMOUSLY long line) and plan to make a whole bunch of these guys!!!