Monday, February 09, 2009


I'm not sure exactly when my fondness for electronic equipment began, perhaps when I was 3 years old and got my suitcase record player? I have always had some kind of music player, but as I got older I started to lust after more complicated electronics. When I moved out on my own I was so excited to purchase a TV and VCR. Then came my first DVD player, I now have 3 DVD players - my first, my fabulous surround sound five disc player and a portable DVD player for traveling. I bought my first PC in 1998 (I know, can you believe that was when I got my first computer!) and upgraded to a Mac a year ago. I have and iPod and iPhone which I cannot live without (I have no idea how I did before?) This past weekend I purchased a Wii. I have never owned video games. Even when we had an Atari growing up, I didn't really play with it much, maybe a game of Pong or Tank here and there, but definitely not play with it for hours. The Wii however, I played for about 6 hours the day I brought it home...

Of course I love what the electronics can do, but I really enjoy the challenge of hooking up the components and having success when everything is plugged in and works. Next purchase, an HD TV...

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