Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Hawaii to Greece in a Day

Last Saturday I had the unique opportunity to attend two distinct cultural events in Long Beach. My Aunt Fran performed at the E Hula Mau Saturday afternoon and competed on Sunday. It was held at the Long Beach Performing Arts Center and had everything Hawaiian there... food, leis, muumuu's, even real tribal tattoo's! It felt like you could possibly be in Hawaii, the smell of the sea breeze, listening to the ukulele players,watching the lovely hula girls sway their hips...

Then I spent early Saturday evening at the Long Beach Greek Festival at our local Assumption Greek Orthodox Church. I had always heard about it and seen it advertised in our local paper, but had never attended. What a very fun festival! The FOOD! It was a 3 day event and I was very tempted to go back each day just to be able to sample everything!

The one thing that stuck out in my mind about both events was the cultural traditions both events embraced. I love cultural groups that have great traditions. Both the Hawaiian & Greek cultures have traditional music & dance. Both cultures have fabulous regional food. And, both regions are Islands... My Great-Aunt lived in Hawaii on the North Shore for 30 years, so I have an affection for the Hawaiian culture. My kitchen is filled with Hawaiian memorabilia from both my Great-Aunt and from my trips to Hawaii. And... my Aunt Fran is a "Hula Dancer", so the influence of the Hawaiian culture is everywhere in my family!

Aunt Fran & Dad at Seven Seas Restaurant, Hollywood CA

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